Friday, September 25, 2009

To the left.. to the left..

today was a fruitful day ?
i thought it was until i just found out i wasn't !!

can't update bout other stuff coz dad took the camera ,
so only today's no picture activity...

*went to chien wen's house
*showed him all those nonsense someone send me and told him why his life was in danger, lol
*went to aisyah's appartment
* like a fool persuading the guard to let me in , and the only thing i could tell him was the truth
" my friend stays here, i can't get her, she is in sarawak, she left her phone in the condo, i called her for a week edi(literally more than 100 miss calls), i think i called till her phone battery died, i dont know what is her condo room no, i have no other way of contacting her, i need her details like her dad's no, can i see the management?"
*it was quite obvious what the answer was
*he was kind to search which room she was in though, when the only info i gave him was her name, NIK Noraisyah
*realised that i could actually call up KDU to ask for her details, if they let
*called miss Greenall, she was on the road
* called miss Chee, got her Sarawak phone no
* called Sarawak, ask for Aisyah
*she was leaving for the plane edi but i just managed to get hold of her
*so happy coz i thought my problem solved edi(now i found out it's actually not even close)
*left for badminton
*got a call, they don't know the way, so have to meet ganesh and shum in kdu
*we waited , and waited , and waited, they were"reaching"
*20 mins later, they came
*went to bad, 30 mins late
*end, pay

not much of a summary eh?

there's more,
in the car, while waiting for Ganesh&Shum,
Chien Wen and i listen to radio la,
u know hits fm never play any of beyonce's song wan right ? NEVER
then suddenly, ... to the left , to the left..
wa lao, only when chien wen is in the car, i was laughing my *** off ( inside joke to why la)
so fated la , it's chien wen's song!!
just when the song ended they came.

so in badminton, we actually booked one court, but there was an empty one, and we had 7 ppl ,
so we split 4-3.

there was
1. Sri Ram(MIC)
2. Jaya Ram(Ram's brother)
3. Ganesh(MIC)
5.Chien Wen (MCA)

we "lat" to decide how to split the group
first was all to ganesh(means he was the only odd hand)
but Ram said had to be so happen 4 to 3
so second Lat, guess what was the result?
no kidding and wasn't planned at all
we're so united la

so, during the game,
we mixed la here and then ,
bet u wanna know who was better right ? MCA or MIC?
i was palying with shum agaisnt ram and laveen
1st game, i had to applaud them because we were winning 14 to 3 and they cought up and beat us 21-19(kudos&well played)
but 2nd game, we won 21-18
3rd we won 21-19
so the match went to MCA(of course, haha , we already lost bowling )

#Ram and Shum were good players
#thanks to 1. hannah for listening to me rant(actually u haven't right?)
2. chien Wen for doign the same, (haha, had no choice right?)
#sry ben, coudn't go to your open house/party, thanks for invite though

good night, i'm dead tired now..

Quote/verse of the day :

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives,
is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.
- Corrie Ten Boom-

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