Unpaid work/attachment.
14-12-2009, week one, day one...
- Dad dropped me to LRT station in Asia Jaya. Bought ticket and took train to Masjid Jamek.
- It was jammed packed, chances of sitting was zero, chances of getting out of train was 50%, Thank God I stood at the right side.
- Arrived in clinic early, the earliest actually, waited till it was open.
-went up , had weird stares as many did not know who I was.
- Nurses were nice once they knew what was I there for, at first they were like :" computer ar?"
- Did dispensing( that means I pack the medicine for patients).
-Met Dr. Leow, Dr, Benerdine, Monica, Elizabeth, Karen, Miss Tan aka Amelia, Punitha, Angeline, Victoria, Margaret, Patricia.
- First assignment was dispensing.
- had to know where more than 100 different kinds of medicine was placed and where to find them .
- Had to match and packed the medicine according to the doctor's prescription, decide whether to circle b4 of after meals.
-Had Lunch alone in Mamak. Shop was quite big. Sat in a table that could fit 8 as it was under the fan.
-Ordered Koay Teow Goreng, added egg, added parpadam, Teh o ais limau.
-Suddenly came a couple, did not know why the shop so big they decided to sit at the same table as me, at the far end.
- the "girl" started talking, it sounded like a dude, but she looked like a girl, acted like one, but was built and sounded like a dude.
- then their friends came, there were 2 of them, so they sat beside them, 2 guys. so 4 spaces were taken up , and 1 by me. 3 left.
- then came in another couple, they wanted to sit beside me coz that's all the seats left in my table. this time i wanted to know if the girl was really a girl, and i think it was despite the heavy make up.
- they went and order food then came back and decided to sit in another table to avoid intrusion on me.
- then came in another 2 guys, decided to sit where i was and hence i was part of their group.
- some time during noon, receive a message from MR. George that read:
- level as dispenser: newbie but learning fast.
15-12-2009, week one, day two
- dad dropped me off at LRT station, went down to buy ticket, this happened
me:" Asia Jaya"
counter lady:" (without a word, points to table)
me: (wonders why she doesn't wanna sell me the ticket) " ASIA JAYA!! "
counter lady :" (without a word does the same action as before)
Me: (irritated and blur as i just woke up- was sleeping in the car) " ASIA JAYA!!! "
counter lady (points on the table again)" sini ASIA JAYA la , macam mana u nak beli ticket
me: ( almost fainted) :" alamak, sorry sorry , masjid jamek! ( quickly pays and walks off)
- in the train, again crowded, one stop b4 mine , this lady came in, she was vocal and was talking to a friend
-once my stop came, I said excuse my and Thank god many went down also if not i cannot come out edi.
-Then guess what I heard? the lady said: " How to excuse when no one is going down?"
- I was like *%&*^&%^&*(%&*
- i felt like giving her a piece of my mind or just a huge slap in the face, but i controlled myself.
-doc was on leave so i had to do dispensing again
-met Dr. Tan, Katherine
-level as dispenser: semi pro
16-12-2009, week one. day 3
- nothing much happened , or i can't remember.
- ate lunch with aunt.
-as soon as a heard the machine sound i rush to take the prescription, like i was fighting with the nurses to pack the meds if not I'll be bored to death.
- level as dispenser: pro
21-12-2009, week two, day one
-finally, I was assigned to the lab.
-wow, i though lab work as in chemicals.\
- well, not at all. i had to learn how to do medical check ups.
- so , i watched them to a few then the whole day was all me.
-first, call the patient in, then ask, have you taken any medication in the last 3 days, any cough mixture, purging medicine or pain killers?
- ask for urine sample, test their urine for marijuana, morphine etc, carry our the process of the check up and finally x ray.
- i did not get to do the x ray ok , just ask them to prepare, ie buka baju
- Monday was a busy day , non-stop working.
-level as lab duty: pro edi la
22-12-2009, week two, day two.
- lab work again, but not as busy.
-another embarrassing moment, i usually open the door and call patients name.
-there was one card which was different today, so i pen the door and called ZAidun
- no answer , i repeated, :" ZAIDUN"
- guess what , in came a chinese man, :" Zaidun is the company's name, i didn;t know u were calling me
- i was like : sorry , sorry "
- this card was diff coz the company's name is at the top and the name of patient right on the middle,
- anyway , at least there were eye candy's today, shall not expose their names.
23-12-2009, week two. day three
- clinic was not busy at all, so i could do lab and dispensing coz i was so bored.
- noon, doc ask me to go lunch with him coz after that he wants to take me to a meeting.
- left at 12. 15(lunch is actually at 1 so yay) coz he said he wanted to head over to the other branch(they have 4 branches) for some stuff.
- walked about 7 mins to the clinic, super new super nice.
- he wanted to show me the ultrasound but the machine was out, so he talked to a doctor.
- we went for lunch with another doc, Dr. Nicholas from the other branch.
-reached back the clinic around 1.15 , so had extra lunch time, decided to sleep.
-slept on the patients examination bed, pulled the curtains and lights out.
- alarm rang, woke up
- Punitha walked by , said: " Shaun( some of them can't remember Anton), had a good sleep?"
me:" ya, haha"
she went off, came back again , this time :" Anton, you had a good sleep i know, i open the curtain and peep, saw u sleeping there."
me:(omg, was i snoring or what, why she open the curtain to see?)