Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Forget Beef, Forget Chicken, Bring on the SHRIMPS!!!

I was asked where I wanted to go for our birthday dinner.
Though about it and realised how little shrimp I get in Britain.
And so ..

One of the few shrimp dishes we had. There were lobsters, shrimps& fish.

Practising for OSCE

Monday, February 7, 2011


"Wait for it...

...dary. LEGENDARY!"- Barney Stinson.

Student Fest Part 2-2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

CNY 2011

Happy Chinese New Year to all!
This would be my first out of the CNY heat with good food and "ang pows"
Instead, my celebration this year was a meal with
the Malaysian Society on the night of CNY itself.
Venue: New Shangri-La Restaurant.
My honest opinion, the food was good but not worth the amount we paid for.
Below are some pictures of our "10 course meal".

Roast Duck
Sea Bass
Red Bean+Sago

I convinced her to go, haha.

Chid was there to embrace the Chinese culture

Iza Izuana

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy 20th Kay!

You are 20 right?
A very happy birthday to the friend back in Malaysia.
Birthday dinners are going to be of only 2 from now on.
Sorry I can't be there to celebrate, but hey, you already had 2 before your birthday!
These are some pictures I found on FB, with the help of the ever stalkish "Friendship" app.
Well, FB has it wrong because it says we have been friends since Dec 2007 but we go way back.
One of my best mates since childhood.

"It was me and Anton... And then Kay came along!" - J-Anne, Sept 2010.
(J-Anne, the first documentation of your quotation, haha)

Since I'm not home where I have all the other pictures since before time, these will do.

Christmas 2010

Sending me off, Sept 2010


Covershots after


Easter 2010, where we "emceed"

VBS 2009

Christmas 2009

Edward&Delicia's Wed, 2009

Some time in 20008/09? YF@the park

Seafield Carnival, I think it was in 2008, where we pulled the prank on Grace
Below are 2 pictures that should never resurface the earth, taken some God forsaken time ago.

Penang Trip


Cheers to a lifetime of friendship, Happy 20th!

*I now have to check my spelling thanks to some people who reads are finds errors to post on my Fb wall.