1. They do talk about the weather and drink tea.
2. They all have different accents and I particularly like the scousers one. ( Yea, I'm not posh)
3. They do not have tissues( except toilet rolls) or bins in their toilets.
4. I have yet to see an ant since I've been here, hence you can eat in your room, make a mess of the kitchen etc.
5. IT IS COLD, and windy, and rainy.
6. They do not provide me with fan or air cond in my room( it's cold so yea, but a fan would come in handy, especially in summer)
7. They do not think Malaysians speak English.
8. Their roads and driving patterns are weird.
9. They walk really fast ( seriously, whoever said they were laid back and take their own sweet time)
10. They drink, party, club, drink, drink and drink( i think you should all know this)
This list is random, and probably not all I want to mention. I just can't think of anything else to fill up the 10 spaces. I'll probably edit it when I remember. Those that are highlighted I still find very hard to adapt to.
Last but not least, they are nice to me, and I thank God.