Friday, May 8, 2009

I need...


just found out that i had to do 2 tooth surgeries today..
cham lo.. they wanna cut my gums?
some more i will have to do it twice as they said it has to heal before they can cut open the other one..
my whole mouth will swell up and i'll have to be on mc for 2-4 days..
the best thing is i can't skip class and i have an exam coming up soon.
now have to do(if i decide to ) the surgery during my hols.. which is right after camp..
so anton will spend his holiday at home suffering..

btw.. it's not like my tooth decayed or anything, i take care of my teeth very well and i don't eat sweets and chocolates.
the only reason i have to do this surgery is because my jaw is not big enough and my wisdom tooth are growing sideways.. now have to pull them out..

please God, i don't want to go through these surgeries..

note to all: no need to waste your time taking care of your teeth, it's useless!!


  1. yeowtch! how wuz the surgery?

  2. haha.. just read your comment.. ermm..postponed till end of the year ..
